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Your Support Matters
Our future depends on donors like you. It is with your donation that CCLN is given the ability to discover, partner with and grow the important resources needed to assist individuals with developmental disabilities in California. As you know, sustained lobbying efforts to keep our services alive and viable requires substantial funding. 

To donate today, please complete the form below.

If you would like to pay by check, make the check payable to "California Community Living Network" and mail to:

California Community Living Network

166 Geary St STE 1500 #1802, San Francisco, CA 94108

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California Community Living Network
Contact Info:

Mark Melanson

Chief Executive Officer
California Community Living Network

166 Geary St

STE 1500 #1802

San Francisco, CA 94108

Phone: (415) 505-5975

AMB Solutions, Web Design & Internet Marketing

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CCLN Endorsed Broker: Newfront

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